Solaris 11.1 -- Easy SMF manifest creation
The following command will generate a basic SMF manifest for a simple daemon process (in my case, the transmission bit torrent program)
$ svcbundle \
-s service-name=application/transmissionbt \
-s start-method="/usr/local/transmission-2.76/bin/transmission-daemon" \
-s model=daemon \
> /tmp/xmiss.xml
.. In my case, I want my tranmission daemon to run as a non-root user, so I edit the file and replace:
<instance enabled="true" name="default"/>
<instance enabled="true" name="default">
<methodcontext workingdirectory='/var/tmp'> <methodcredential group='staff' user='dluser'/> </methodcontext> </instance>
Finally, import the manifest:
svccfg import /tmp/xmiss.xml